In Panamá the indigenous people have a struggle for their own rights on the land, the cause is the interest of Dams projects begining to flooding their house and the traditional ways of live. The special laws for the indigenous people in Panamá directly in the reserve Ngobe Bugle, have been violated by the continue growth of the economic development. The report from Glen Ellis and Guido Bilboa show other perspective, very different from traditional media.
In Panamá the indigenous people represent the 10% of the population of the country, their vision about the nature and conserve was very important to preserve green areas. They born like ecologist.
We Hope to see your comments
People & Power (AL JAZZERA English)
Santiago says:
Muy interesante, es difícil conciliar las ventajas y desventajas de desarrollo. Principalmente cuando se piensa solo en desarrollo económico. Pienso que desde la Sociología deberíamos de estudiar la manera de preservar ciertas tradiciones, y beneficios de la diversidad , a la vez que buscamos mejorar la calidad de vida de esas personas. Se necesitan gobiernos que respeten los derechos humanos, que ofrezcan educación, sanidad, y seguridad a su población, que traten de cuidar a sus pueblos.
Saludos, esperemos que las cosas vayan a mejor.
TN says:
I think Ngobe Bugle struggle for their rights | Blog de Sociologia is a good blog post and you do a well written job of posting unique information. Tommy